Ask HN ranking for the past month

  1. Tell HN: Cloudflare is blocking Pale Moon and other non-mainstream browsers | 524
  2. Tell HN: Y Combinator backing AI company to abuse factory workers | 188
  3. Who is hiring? (March 2025) | 409
  4. Former devs who can't get a job, what did you end up doing for work? | 281
  5. LinkedIn is the worst social media I've ever seen | 125
  6. What less-popular systems programming language are you using? | 409
  7. What are you working on? (February 2025) | 897
  8. Do US tech firms realize the backlash growing in Europe? | 296
  9. What is the best method for turning a scanned book as a PDF into text? | 109
  10. Who are your favorite photography and generative coding artists? | 77
  11. Former employees' RSUs at risk after startup's IPO | 163
  12. Who wants to be hired? (March 2025) | 450
  13. Recommend resources that helped your game dev journey? | 140
  14. Is anyone still using Dreamweaver? | 177
  15. Is anybody building an alternative transformer? | 93
  16. What's the best implementation of Conway's Game of Life? | 94
  17. Tired of startups – want a normal job. Help | 96
  18. Are you a 40-year old software engineer without a job for > 1 year? | 61
  19. Is Godaddy Running a Scam? | 57
  20. Can I really create a company around my open-source software? | 66
  21. Physics PhD at Stanford or Berkeley | 84
  22. Ethical VC Funds? | 38
  23. Small Ideas vs. Big Ideas? | 78
  24. Navigating a Broken Dev Culture | 46
  25. Please help me find better blogs to read | 69
  26. What country would you like to relocate to and why? | 125
  27. A retrofitted C dialect? | 77
  28. Tell HN: Five random IndieWeb blog links on your terminal | 12
  29. What should I expect from moving tech jobs from USA to Europe? | 110
  30. What intelligent forums exist outside of HN? | 48
  31. Finding interesting work if disenchanted with "big tech" & "VC-backed" | 42
  32. Can we get a HN background color (dark mode) | 24
  33. Best Windows/Linux developer laptop in 2025 | 49
  34. Why is no one talking about Mozilla's latest madness? | 23
  35. How much employee resume verification is done in practice? | 74
  36. why are posts about Elon Musk and DOGE getting quickly flagged? | 41
  37. Europeans living in the US, where do you draw the line? | 19
  38. The Origins of the "++" and "--" Operators | 4
  39. Replacement for Rackspace SMTP Hosting? | 51
  40. Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (March 2025) | 161
  41. Chrome does not have any way to stop video auto play? | 62
  42. My 2 year journey to building a successful product ($2,700 MRR) | 14
  43. Are there online communities for single-owner run companies? | 8
  44. Where are the good Markdown to PDF tools (that meet these requirements)? | 55
  45. 18F Has Been Eliminated | 27
  46. What fiction/non-fiction book should everyone read on the topic of CS? | 29
  47. Are AI dev tools lowering the barrier to entry for creating software? | 30
  48. How to handle pushback on a team switch? | 46
  49. My father passed away. How do deal with the grief? | 26
  50. My kid calls a 'Cowboy' at (833) 760-1978. Weird bedtime hack | 3
  51. A question about mentoring a junior developer | 36
  52. How to prepare to flee your country? | 33
  53. Tell HN: Brother printers no longer consumer friendly | 15
  54. Hacker Houses in Europe | 15
  55. Struggling to Understand DHTs – Any Good Resources? | 20
  56. Tell HN: Substack Is Spamming | 7
  57. Ways to progress career wise as SWE? | 33
  58. Why? | 43
  59. How can I prepare my digital life for geopolitical disruptions? | 28
  60. If you work for Elon Musk, what keeps you motivated? | 53
  61. What's your blog / portfolio stack? | 46
  62. Is it worth it to post on the 'Who Wants To Be Hired' thread? | 16
  63. Is SaaS Dead? | 41
  64. TIL: Rust does not prevent memory leaks | 22
  65. 40 Years of Cisco, the Real Story Behind Cisco's "Innovative" Founding | 7
  66. Why Is Elon Musk Invited to Speak at AI Startup School? | 10
  67. What's Your Cursor Setup? | 1
  68. NIH is deleting grant applications from review based on keywords | 3
  69. How best to contribute to anti-facist efforts as an engineer? | 14
  70. Do you still use Google? | 48
  71. My Co-Founder threw away 90% of the code I wrote | 17
  72. Solo Founders: How Do You Stay Organized? | 9
  73. Tech talks and conferences to attend in Bay Area | 9
  74. What books influenced your moral compass? | 25
  75. Microsoft 365 costs are too much | 29
  76. Zelenskyy responds to Lindsey Graham's "he should resign" | 7
  77. Do you practice lucid dreaming? | 26
  78. Should the Mozilla Foundation be forked? | 8
  79. Is it me or we almost stopped using Google because of LLMs? | 27
  80. What commit message conventions do you follow? | 40
  81. How do you prompt the "advanced" models | 12
  82. How do you feel now about your Tesla purchase? | 28
  83. Do Back-End Developers Even Have Portfolios? | 18
  84. Is Working for You? | 6
  85. Who's Pre-seed Investing? (March 2025) | 0
  86. Best Security Practices for Activists? | 10
  87. Thoughts on using American-based cloud vendors in the Trump era? | 18
  88. Tell HN: Generational Gap | 29
  89. A humble attempt to save Europe | 18
  90. Firefox may be selling our data. Can you recommend an alternative? | 13
  91. Who else is tired of these web things? | 17
  92. Are forums dead? | 10
  93. How will AI affect learning programming? | 13
  94. Is the threshold for flagging submissions on HN too low? | 4
  95. Humane founder Imran Chaudhri likely paid for highly charitable Wikipedia entry | 2
  96. Advice for someone who stagnated in their career. Help | 11
  97. What happens when every HN post is flagged? | 10
  98. Why is there such little political discourse on HN at the moment? | 36
  99. Why is Cursor IDE accessing all my env vars? | 25
  100. How common it is to earn six figures as a software engineer in USA? | 20