Ask HN ranking for the past month

  1. What is the most useless project you have worked on? | 767
  2. 3D + 2D: Testing out my cross-platform WASM graphics engine | 152
  3. Tell HN: Reddit now blocks VPN access via browser, 'old' subdomain included | 322
  4. Tell HN: Ever think of applying to YC? Do it this weekend for S24 | 420
  5. Who is hiring? (April 2024) | 489
  6. What non-AI products are you working on? | 527
  7. What things are happening in ML that we can't hear over the din of LLMs? | 99
  8. Tell HN: Bypass Paywalls repository is gone | 126
  9. I'm Peter Roberts, immigration attorney who does work for YC and startups. AMA | 407
  10. AMA: I'm Dave Greene, an accidental expert on Conway's Game of Life | 147
  11. Which books/resources to understand modern Assembler? | 90
  12. How to manage phones and PCs for elderly parents? | 364
  13. I want to create IMDB for open source projects | 142
  14. What rabbit hole(s) did you dive into recently? | 359
  15. Is Hacker News under attack from spam bots? | 144
  16. Happy 404 Day. Whats your favorite 404 error page? | 170
  17. What is the current (Apr. 2024) gold standard of running an LLM locally? | 89
  18. What was an interesting project you started and finished over a weekend? | 238
  19. Is anybody getting value from AI Agents? How so? | 149
  20. Who wants to be hired? (April 2024) | 515
  21. Wayfair fired a bunch of people again today, after using them to train AI | 87
  22. High quality Python scripts or small libraries to learn from | 57
  23. Has Anyone Trained a personal LLM using their personal notes? | 71
  24. Tell HN: We should snapshot a mostly AI output free version of the web | 60
  25. Who's getting their job applications rejected? | 193
  26. What Are You Learning? | 237
  27. One-person companies—how do you manage it all and stay sane? | 103
  28. Is RAG the Future of LLMs? | 104
  29. What movies changed your perception of reality or life? | 225
  30. What is the most useful project you have worked on? | 133
  31. Freelance website builders/maintainers, what's in your 2024 toolkit? | 80
  32. How might software development have unfolded if CPU speeds were 20x slower? | 154
  33. Most efficient way to fine-tune an LLM in 2024? | 48
  34. How does deploying a fine-tuned model work | 53
  35. SQLite in Production? | 59
  36. How do you ask users about their pain point? | 113
  37. Anybody Using Htmx on the Job? | 62
  38. How to secure website for public launch | 58
  39. Is iCloud a viable alternative to Dropbox? Any other alternatives? | 133
  40. Is AngelList Legit? | 49
  41. Unikraft Launches KraftCloud: Never Pay for Idle Again | 28
  42. Outstanding Programmers | 92
  43. What resources to learn tech and software in manufacturing? | 50
  44. Are there some bad actors in Who is hiring? | 73
  45. How can I learn about manufacturing? | 54
  46. How do I improve my emotional intelligence? | 67
  47. Does it still matter to be in the Bay Area? | 80
  48. Going from CTO to Developer? | 89
  49. HN Flooded with Spam AI Girlfriend Comments | 4
  50. Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (April 2024) | 172
  51. Startup Devs -What's your biggest pain while managing cloud deployments? | 93
  52. How hard is it to find a job after trying to start your own thing | 87
  53. Is a masters in ML worth it? | 69
  54. How bad is the xz hack? | 70
  55. What tool(s) do you use to code review and deploy SQL scripts? | 22
  56. Can someone at HubSpot explain some of their API design choices? | 26
  57. What is the biggest thing you've changed your mind about? | 111
  58. Do you feel scummy making AI products? | 46
  59. Recommendations for Local LLMs in 2024: Private and Offline? | 29
  60. How to improve PCB prototyping iteration time? | 90
  61. Should employers pay for employees' phones if 2FA apps are required? | 66
  62. What happened to bypass-paywalls-Chrome-clean? | 16
  63. Which low-budget camera would you recommend for recording podcasts? | 44
  64. Why are there no no-name inkjet printers? | 48
  65. XZ backdoor killswitch | 20
  66. Please recommend how to manage personal serverss | 65
  67. Which tools are the best for internet safety for kids? | 74
  68. My Cofounder was diagnosed with cancer, what should I do? | 49
  69. I Worked Hard all my Life. I Regret it | 13
  70. Those who have recently undertaken a job hunt, what was your experience? | 73
  71. Projects You Thought Were Cool but Failed Miserably – What Happened? | 66
  72. Working at Google has been utterly depressing for over a year | 20
  73. What's the simplest static website generator? | 74
  74. How Can I Make My Front End React to Database Changes in Real-Time? | 54
  75. Who is hiring interns (April 2024) | 14
  76. What software sparks joy when using? | 103
  77. GoFundMe for Lasse Collin, xz maintainer | 9
  78. Python Metrics Library | 13
  79. Vultr is now claiming full perpetual commercial rights over all hosted content | 1
  80. What's It Like at Intuit/TurboTax on Tax Day? | 14
  81. How to learn how to scale software? | 17
  82. How do I learn more about LLMs and ML? | 17
  83. Which news aggregators can provide an alternative to Hacker News? | 28
  84. C/C++ developer wanting to learn efficient Python | 49
  85. Hunting up-to-date Wikidata datasets | 7
  86. How do I find a job, in this market with ADHD | 45
  87. What older games are you playing through? | 73
  88. Free alternative to Teamviewer? | 63
  89. What is it with all the spambots on HN? | 2
  90. I'm 38 Web Developer and close to burnout | 49
  91. Why would you ever use C++ for a new project over Rust? | 39
  92. Beware Scaling on AWS in Early Days | 20
  93. Best E-Ink reader in 2024? | 20
  94. How do you track copy changes on websites/emails? | 16
  95. Are there any enjoyable LLM based text games? | 5
  96. What Is the Best Book for Indie SaaS Hackers | 18
  97. Why are we hanging on to anachronistic academic paper formats | 23
  98. Have you thought about leaving programming for the trades? | 44
  99. How do news API services get their data/content? | 20
  100. I want to put free WiFi in schools in my city, how do I go about it? | 49