Ask HN ranking for the past week

  1. Is it possible to make FAANG salaries without working there? | 521
  2. Best way to learn robotics with a 10 year old? | 91
  3. I built a Yubikey-based domain controller. Is it sellable? | 97
  4. Am I crazy or is Android development awful? | 151
  5. What is the best way to author blogs in 2024? | 126
  6. What resources do you recommend for learning Haskell? | 64
  7. Can anyone from Crowdstrike explain the back story? | 156
  8. Is there a list of grey-hair-friendly IT companies? | 67
  9. Tell HN: auto-renews without warning, refuses to provide refunds | 31
  10. Share your FFmpeg settings for video hosting | 45
  11. Why are people paying so much for Vercel? | 100
  12. Intel DDoS my website with 11.1M request | 13
  13. Is there room for a new email hosting service? | 80
  14. What do you guys think of the current job market in tech? | 90
  15. Discovering that I am mediocre | 40
  16. What is your go to performance optimization? | 45
  17. What business would you start in 2025? | 49
  18. Got my first iPhone. What should I know? | 43
  19. Is YC entangled with Trump’s rich supporters? | 19
  20. How can I learn to "talk a lot and say nothing"? | 40
  21. For human brains only? | 45
  22. Improving Tiptap's Performance for Anthropic's Claude Interface | 14
  23. How did grow so fast? | 9
  24. How can I do my research as a GPU poor? | 19
  25. What's the worst advice you've ever received? | 77
  26. Thoughts on shadow banning and other dick moves by Silicon Valley? | 30
  27. Could experienced developers have near 0 online prescence? | 32
  28. Weirdest Computer Architecture? | 21
  29. Is anyone using IPFS for a production level product? | 6
  30. Will peer to peer services overtake centralised corporations? | 19
  31. What's up with the ChatGPT spam here lately? | 18
  32. Why doesn't HN have a dark-theme? | 20
  33. What's the best YouTube lecture you've seen recently? | 10
  34. High Focus Activities | 22
  35. Best resources to learn about Search and Information retrieval | 2
  36. Will AI make us unemployed? | 31
  37. What tools do you recommend for working on Windows? | 28
  38. What the Deal with Sam Altman | 11
  39. If you can't find a job(in tech), why not create one | 21
  40. What does engineering leadership typically do wrong? | 17
  41. What Is the SQLite of Queues? | 13
  42. Server-side HTML Templates based on DOM? | 23
  43. What's the most undervalued idea in your field? | 9
  44. Employee-owned company vs. Corporate Structure | 11
  45. How do you predict the AI will evolve in 2, 5, and 10 years? | 16
  46. Reasonable reasons to refuse coding assessments | 9
  47. Looking for a cheap hosted BI tool like Metabase for my startup | 10
  48. Is using Docker worth it or just adds a lot of complexity? | 12
  49. PSA: Don't Use Namecheap | 13
  50. Tell HN: I made a shareable one-page site on how to fix the CrowdStrike issue | 16
  51. Why isn't Linux as popular as Windows on corporate machines? | 15
  52. Attention HN: What's the Best Way to Find a Good Dev for Your Startup? | 29
  53. What App to Use for Notes? | 41
  54. Is an All-in-One Database the Future? | 11
  55. Serious) can someone ELI5 why tech elites are turning to the right? | 17
  56. How do you leave your echo chamber? | 11
  57. Python-3.13 is more than 100% slower with –disable-gil | 6
  58. Why are job adverts misleading about WFH? | 8
  59. What mesh routers should I recommend to my parents? | 10
  60. Y Combinator vs. Lightspeed ventures vs. Seqoia arc | 5
  61. What's the consensus on "unit" testing LLM prompts? | 4
  62. Academic authors 'shocked' publisher sells access to their research to MS AI | 1
  63. What server host do you use for your personal projects? | 5
  64. How often do your projects involve real team work vs working in silos? | 5
  65. How technically complex are social media algorithms? | 1
  66. Lesser-known/underrated cool new web-oriented tech? | 9
  67. What are your worst pain points when dealing with scientific literature? | 9
  68. Am I using AI wrong for code? | 4
  69. Any good resources for Generative Chemistry? | 0
  70. Opinion: I Hate Glossy Devices | 4
  71. How to prevent lockout from Google Account in case of phone theft? | 11
  72. Who Are the HN Censors? | 24
  73. What do you use LLMs for? | 11
  74. What have you worked on this year? | 4
  75. What martial arts do you recommend? | 8
  76. Should a risk assessment list all dependent tools? | 4
  77. How efficient are MLs at storing data? | 4
  78. Have you ever experienced workplace 'mobbing' by managers or directors? | 9
  79. Does collapse of the wave function occur with an AI observer? | 3
  80. What registrars are in use with startup and big tech domain holdings? | 6
  81. Preferred SMS API Provider? | 14
  82. Is active music cancelation possible? | 5
  83. Digital Ocean Snapshots Permanently Lost | 0
  84. CrowdStrike Flagging Policy on HN | 6
  85. Managed databases that DON'T run in AWS/GCP/Azure? | 9
  86. What technology were you enthused about and now lost interest in? | 5
  87. How do you manage this feeling? I was expecting more than this." | 4
  88. Hardware engineers – would you rather use a procedural version of labVIEW? | 5
  89. Why Canonical keeps asking for high school grades in their job applications? | 5
  90. Why is there no email client based on Markdown? | 15
  91. How does unlimited PTO work at your company | 5
  92. Is there a way to hack YouTube landing page to see only certain topics? | 5
  93. How can I oversee an e-com website development? | 11
  94. Alternatives? | 1
  95. Why the Hell Would You Validate an Area Code? | 3
  96. I have AWS credits – I want to sell them –or– how should I use them? | 0
  97. Twitter Registration Sucks | 3
  98. Fastest way to launch web app | 8
  99. How to crack a market without network? | 2
  100. Cynic attitude towards my employer | 3